Best of The Essential Oils Revolution®️

Event date: July 1 - July 7, 2024

Affiliate promotions open: June 3, 2024

Encore weekend begins: July 13

Enter your affiliate account email address to activate your affiliate links, recieve event updates, and unlock event promotional assets.

Affiliate commissions will be a flat $30 per sale on base event packages. Some events boast bonus incentives and contest dollars as well.

If you don't yet have an affiliate account with HealthMeans, enter your email in the field above to start the registration process. Note: new accounts can take 24-48 hours to review and approve before you’re able to unlock event assets.

Hosted By

  • Eric Zielinski

    Eric Zielinski, DC

    Dr. Eric Zielinski is the author of a U.S. bestselling book, The Healing Power of Essential Oils, and has pioneered natural living and biblical health education since 2003. Trained as an aromatherapist, public health researcher and chiropractor, Dr. Z started in 2014 with his wife, Sabrina Ann, to help people learn how to safely and effectively use natural remedies such as essential oils. Now visited by more than four million natural health seekers every year, has rapidly become the #1 online source for biblical health and non-branded essential oils education.